Coastal blufftop access and spectacular rocky shoreline views have been restored to the public at the west end of 7th St in Montara. Since the MCC first asked in Oct 2012 for public access to the coast at 5th, Seacliff, and 7th Streets, there have been presentations, meetings, an online petition with over 400 signatures, and public hearings at the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors. The fence blocking coastal views at the end of Seacliff was no problem and DPW (Dept of Public Works) removed it in June 2013 with no neighbor objections.
7th St was another story.
Supervisor Horsley committed to getting the 7th St fence removed in summer 2013, but it has taken ever since for County staff to work out a compromise with the adjacent property owner where a prior owner had closed off the public right-of-way for private use, with an encroachment permit from DPW(!), over 40 years ago.

To complete the transformation we hope to persuade DPW to remove the view-blocking hedge on the south side of the end of 7th St behind the bollards.
As for 5th St, a paper street leading to Montara State Beach blufftop parcels, there is currently no one at County government willing to stand up for pedestrian coastal access there, and the neighboring property owner has taken over the entire right-of-way. See Montara Coastal Access page for more details.