Parallel Trail — Midcoast Community Council

Midcoast Hwy 1 Parallel Trail


The Midcoast Highway 1 Parallel Trail has long been envisioned as an east-of-highway active transportation trail connecting the Midcoast communities to each other and to Half Moon Bay. The “Parallel Trail” was included in the Measure A Strategic Plan for 2009-2013 and is an integral part of the Midcoast Highway 1 Safety & Mobility Studies. The trail will provide a safe convenient route for adults and children to travel to local work, school, activities, and errands without adding to or waiting in highway traffic. This will reduce highway congestion, vehicle miles traveled, and associated CO2 emissions and pollution. 

The trail is expected to be completed in segments.

Southern segment (Mirada to Coronado) 2014-2023

NOTE — HMB East-Side Parallel Trail connection to MIdcoast: The City of HMB will construct the one-third mile trail connection between Roosevelt Blvd and Mirada Rd, connecting the Midcoast trail to HMB. In Dec 2022 the SMC Transportation Authority approved $980K grant to help fund construction (MCC letter in support). Construction should begin in 2024. 

Construction: Public Works page 2022-2023
The 0.8-mile trail segment within the Caltrans ROW includes: 

  • 8-foot-wide asphalt surface with 2-foot-wide decomposed granite jogging paths on each side

  • weather-resistant steel bridge spanning 80 feet across Medio Creek at Miramar Drive

  • retaining wall and ST-70 vehicular barrier along elevated segment to avoid sensitive willow riparian habitat at Magellan Av.

  • solar-powered pedestrian-scale lighting at key locations

Planning & Permitting: County Planning page 2013-2020
2014 TA $500K grant: BoS staff report - application - MCC suppport
2015 July Trail alignment: MCC presentation & letter
2015 Sept: Consultant presentationminutes
2016 Side street crossings: concept designsminutes
2018 60% plans: update presentation to MCC
BKF contract staff reports: 2017 - 2018 - 2019
Coastal Development Permit & CEQA: Mar 2020 staff report
Construction funding staff reports: 2020 - 2021, estimated $3M

Middle segments (El Granada, airport)

No timeline has been determined for additional trail segments.

Northern segment (Moss Beach to Montara) 

(via Carlos and Main)
The County's 2014 application to the CA Active Transportation Program, was not selected (MCC support -- Staff Report).