Roads/Streetlights — Midcoast Community Council

Roads & Streetlights

County Road Services

State Highway 1 or 92: report problems to Caltrans.

Right-of-way Maintenance

Right-of-Way Maintenance Guide
Street Tree Maintenance

Encroachment Permits

An encroachment permit is required for any work done in the public right of way. Failure to obtain an encroachment permit may result in fines and other penalties. 

Funding Sources for road & drainage
improvements & reconstruction

Roadway Mitigation Fund established in 1991: The County collects Mitigation Fees when a building permit is issued for construction or remodel projects. The Mitigation Fees (deposited in San Mateo Countywide Roadway Improvement Fund) can be used to finance roadway reconstruction or drainage improvement projects within defined areas of benefit. The Midcoast is a defined area of benefit.

Senate Bill 1 Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account established in 2017. Funds are collected by the State and apportioned to cities & counties.

Midcoast Road Standards

Road standards as amended in 1994: area map
Montara/ Moss Beach/ Princeton/ MiramarClipper RidgeEl Granada

Amending the road standards in 1994 required Community Plan and LCP amendments: 1994 Midcoast Community Plan Amendment – road standards — Midcoast road improvement policies (1994 Ordinance 03606) — LCP & General Plan amendments (1994 Resolution 58718).

  • 2004 Midcoast Road Standards Q&A

  • 2003 DPW letter to MCC re Midcoast road improvements

  • 2002 DPW/MCC meeting re Midcoast roads & drainage

  • 2002 DPW letter to MCC re Midcoast road & drainage projects

Midcoast Streetlights

DPW does not check street lights, but depends on residents to report outages. Leave voice message (650) 599-1407 or email

Lighting District maps:
Montara & Moss Beach
El Granada & Miramar

LED Streetlights for Midcoast


LED streetlights replaced sodium vapor fixtures in the Midcoast in 2017.  LED streetlights can reduce energy costs and CO2 emissions by 60%. Following lengthy public outreach and discussion about brightness and color spectrum, the County agreed to move forward with Midcoast installation of the fixture requested in MCC 9/9/15 letter:

LED lighting Model ATBO-20BLEDE70-MVOLT-R2 
specs -- amber chip -- diffusers
International Dark-Sky Association
Shields for overly intrusive lights next to homes can be added, upon individual request to

Highway 1 lighting issues

In June 2012 the MCC did a Moss Beach Hwy 1 lighting survey  which revealed about half the lights were burned out. MCC reported this to DPW and bulbs were replaced. 

In spring/summer 2012 Supervisor Horsley exchanged letters with Caltrans asking for improved lighting along Highway 1 in downtown Moss Beach (4/265/167/169/20), due to several pedestrian accidents in the area during hours of darkness. Caltrans gave the County permission to install a streetlight in the east-side highway right-of-way at Virginia, which DPW accomplished three years later in April 2015.  PG&E finally energized the light in early 2016 -- almost four years start to finish for the streetlight installation.