Highway 1 Overview — Midcoast Community Council

Highway 1 Overview

Transportation Planning & Projects: MCC study session to raise community awareness and promote informed public participation in local government.


Caltrans Projects in Planning Phase

Caltrans is lead agency for the environmental review (CEQA).
San Mateo County is lead agency for the Coastal Development Permit (CDP) in the unincorporated area. A CDP is required for all public works projects in the Coastal Zone.

SR1 Multi-Asset Roadway Rehabilitation Project

Scope: Major pavement rehab project, from Wavecrest Rd, HMB, to Marine Bl, at the south end of Moss Beach, to restore the facility to good repair, improve roadway safety, upgrade drainage systems, enhance pedestrian & bike access, and upgrade existing traffic system infrastructure. CDP approved by Coastal Commission on appeal on Nov 14, 2024, with added Conditions of Approval to address coastal access parking in the Surfers’ Beach vicinity.

SR1 Safety Barrier Project

Scope: Upgrade all existing K-rail and metal beam guard rail to standard (MGS), and construct new see-through concrete safety barrier at two locations, west of Hwy 1 between Montara & Tom Lantos Tunnel to reduce run-off-cliff incidents. County Planning issued CDP exemption 5/3/2023. Construction in fall 2024.

SR1 Variable Message Signs - CDP denied

County-Initiated Projects

Moss Beach SR-1 Corridor Study (aka Congestion & Safety Improvements Project)

Project Initiation, 2022-2023, is the first phase of this project, which is required by Caltrans to move forward with the Moss Beach Highway 1 recommendations identified in Connect the Coastside.

Not to be confused with the 2012-2019 Congestion & Safety Improvements Project, aka Midcoast Crossings, Raised Medians, & Turn Lanes, which was the first project planning effort to come out of the Hwy 1 Safety & Mobility Studies, but which has not resulted in any built projects.

MidcoAST Highway 1 Parallel Trail

This trail has long been envisioned as an east-of-highway multi-use transportation trail connecting the Midcoast communities to each other and to Half Moon Bay.  Construction of the souther segment occurred in 2022-2023, from HMB City Limits at Mirada Rd to Coronado St. in El Granada. The City of HMB will construct the connection to their existing Eastside Parallel Trail at Roosevelt Av, expected in 2024.

Highway Erosion Protection at Surfers' Beach

See Surfers' Beach page.   

Devil's Slide Tunnel & Trail

Devil's Slide Coast website welcomes the opening of the tunnel in March 2013. In 2014 the County reopened the former roadway as the Devil's Slide Trail, a segment of the California Coastal Trail.

Highway 1 Studies & Issues

Transportation Demand Management Plan, Feb 2025

San Mateo County and the City of Half Moon Bay have prepared an action plan for transportation choices in Half Moon Bay and the Midcoast. Get There Together can support making it easier, more convenient, and more affordable to walk, bike, share rides, and use public transit, which can lead to reduced traffic and an improved environment.

Caltrans San Mateo State Route 1 Repair Guidelines, June 2023

See Chapter 5, Design Guidelines: Recommendations that maintain sensitivity to the SR 1 corridor’s social, historic, scenic, and environmental values while also protecting the safety of users.


Comprehensive Transportation Management Plan (CTMP) 2022

The CTMP, adopted in 2022, addresses cumulative traffic impacts of Midcoast residential development on Highway 1 and 92.  See Connect the Coastside page.


Modern Roundabouts - a safer choice

Capistrano Rd at Hwy 1, the only signalized intersection in the Midcoast, ranks #1 in intersection collisions in unincorporated San Mateo County. (Table 5, Local Road Safety Plan 2022).

Caltrans 2018 Hwy 1 Corridor Study 


Caltrans completed a Transportation Concept Report in April 2018 for Highway 1 in San Mateo County. The report evaluates current and projected conditions to communicate a vision for development over a 25-year planning horizon (to 2040). The future concept generally keeps the route’s existing capacity and function.     Read more

Highway 1 Safety & Mobility Studies

Two-phase planning effort to develop conceptual plans to improve Highway 1 safety and mobility between Half Moon Bay and Devil’s Slide, 2009-2012

Coastal Access & Parking Study

The 2015 Midcoast Parking & Access Study was an action item of the Highway 1 Safety & Mobility Studies for completion of a parking study before more detail planning of beach and trailhead parking lots in the Midcoast, with the goal of sharing and limiting the number of new parking lots.  Presentation at MCC.  

More …

San Mateo Countywide Transportation Plan 2040
Caltrans Adopt-a-Highway (MCC Moss Beach)
Traffic collision data 2008-2013 Coastside
Designated Highway Scenic Corridors
Caltrans Moss Beach speed survey 2014 - recommends no change in Moss Beach 50mph speed limit