Big Wave Project — Midcoast Community Council

Big Wave Wellness Center & Business Park

North Parcel Alternative - Approved 2015

[Scroll down for the original, larger, Big Wave Project denied on appeal to the Coastal Commission in 2012.]

The Big Wave North Parcel Alternative (NPA) is a revised project (County project page) that received final County approvals in May 2015.  The NPA combines the Wellness Center with the Business Park on the north parcel, reduces building height to 33 feet, reduces commercial/industrial space to 176,000 s/f, increases the wetlands buffer areas, and has the project served by public water and sewer. Intensity of uses permitted in the Business Park would be limited by what can be accommodated by the north parcel’s 462-space parking lot. Construction is proposed over 15 years per Development Agreement with the County.

Sept 2024 Wellness Center construction begins - Big Wave website

Jan 2024 Development Agreement 4th amendment - BoS staff report

Mar 2022 County purchases BW south parcel (staff report) after acquiring a lien in 2020 (lien agreement - resolution).

June 2021 Development Agreement 3rd amendment - BoS staff report

July 2019 Development Agreement 2nd amendment to modify the Wellness Center from 3 to 2 buildings, modify requirements for the Airport St bike trail & drainage crossing, extend the deadline for wetland restoration and first 25 bedrooms of the Wellness Center, and remove the requirement for LEED building standards. (staff report - revised Findings & Conditions of Approval)

June 2017 CDP and first Development Agreement Amendment to allow commercial building (on Lot D in this image) to be constructed before the Wellness Center.  Prospective tenant (a brewery) later backed out.
5/24/17 MCC comments, presentation, news post with links to staff report & attachments.
Jan 2017 MCC comments on earlier proposed modification.

North Parcel business park subdivision lots For Sale in 2016 - Build to Suit

North Parcel business park subdivision lots For Sale in 2016 - Build to Suit

Nov 2015 LAFCo sphere of influence amendment for MWSD to supply water to Big Wave -- 4400-ft-long water main extension to be paid for by developer.

May 2015 Board of Supervisors approved Coastal Development Permit with revised conditions.
Letter of Decision & Conditions of Approval (rev 6/6/17)
15-year Development Agreement (revised 6/6/17)
Appeal - Meeting NoticeStaff Report  - Attachments - Comments from CCC staff and CGF

Jan 2015 Planning Commission approved 8-building project. Staff Report, PresentationVideo, Letter of Decision. Comments: MCC, CCCCGF, SurfriderSierra Club
Existing aerial view vs project simulation

Dec 2014 new 8-building option: comments: MCCCCC

Nov 2014 Planning Commission: Staff Report - Video
New 4-building option: site plan - aerial simulation - 2014 Transportation Analysis (Hexagon) - EIR Addendum. Comments: MCCCGF

Aug 2014 PC & MCC informational meetings
Planning Commission staff report & MCC 8/13 meeting video.   
MCC comments 8/27/14 & meeting video
CCC staff comments 9/2/14

July 2014 NPA Project Description (9 buildings) - Site Plan and 2010 plans for comparison.

Mar 2014 NPA Project Description: comments by MCC & CCC -- LAFCo letter re process for water provision

Nov 2013 NPA Project presentation at MCC - minutes & video


Big Wave Project - Denied in 2012

was a major development proposed in 2006 for 20 acres (2 parcels) of agricultural land and wetlands along Airport St. between HMB Airport and Pillar Point Marsh.

Big Wave Office Park (PLN2005-00481) on the 14-acre north parcel next to the Pillar Ridge Manufactured Home Community consisted of 225,000 s/f mixed-use office space in 8 buildings (four 2-story, 36 ft tall, and four 3-story, 46 ft tall), and 640-space parking lot. Projected traffic impacts included over 2,000 car trips per day to/from the site over indirect narrow roads. Project included major subdivision (2 lots into 13) and 20-year development agreement.

Big Wave Wellness Center (PLN2005-00482), on the 5-acre south parcel next to Princeton, proposed to provide affordable housing for up to 50 developmentally disabled adults and 20 caretakers, along with a fitness center, indoor pool, and potential employment opportunities for the residents.  Also included was parking for 50 cars for staff and visitors and, on a subdivided parcel, 20,000 sf of commercial storage.

The project was approved by the County in 2011 but denied on appeal to the Coastal Commission (CCC) in 2012 due to many inconsistencies with the Local Coastal Program (LCP). The first 4 pages of CCC staff report summarize the reasons for denial and the issues a revised project would need to address in order to gain approvals. Video of Coastal Commissioners’ response is here.

Aug 2012 CCC staff report:
“In order to address LCP requirements and the various resource constraints on the site, a revised project would need to demonstrate an adequate and reliable water supply, reliable waste water/sewage disposal capacity, adequate protection of natural resources, such as the Pillar Point Marsh area and surrounding wetlands, minimization of significant impacts to important public views, sufficient traffic capacity, the minimization of significant shoreline hazards at the project site; and the protection of agricultural resources consistent with the requirements of the certified LCP.”

2010 comments from DPW Airports, Caltrans, FAA
2009 Big Wave video with Neil Merrilees
2006 pre-application workshop: 155,000 sf office park in four 2-story bldgs


2002 grading permit application was denied for 44,000 cy of fill on Big Wave north parcel for undetermined future development.  MCC 8/26/02 comment to planner, “The applicant stated during the meeting that this proposed plan was for a major Commercial Development in the M-1 zoning, however, they were unable to obtain water for that project which has since been canceled.  Currently, the applicant is undecided on a final proposal for the site and is only going to use it for storage.”