Connect the Coastside — Midcoast Community Council

Comprehensive Transportation Management Plan (CTMP)


Connect the Coastside is the project to develop a Comprehensive Transportation Management Plan (CTMP), a community-based transportation plan to help improve mobility and safety for Coastside residents and visitors. It identifies programs and improvements for the Highway 1 and Highway 92 corridors to improve mobility and accommodate the Midcoast's future transportation needs.

County Project page
Project timeline 2014 - 2022 (adopted by the Board of Supervisors 7/26/2022)
Project Planners: Katie Faulkner & Chanda Singh
See Highway 1 page for related plans & projects

The CTMP is a requirement of the 2012 Midcoast update of the Local Coastal Program (LCP).  

LCP Policy 2.53:  "Develop a comprehensive transportation management plan to address the cumulative traffic impacts of residential development, including single-family, two-family, multi-family, and second dwelling units, on roads and highways in the entire Midcoast, including the City of Half Moon Bay. The plan shall be based on the results of an analysis that identifies the total cumulative traffic impact of projected new development at LCP buildout and shall propose specific LCP policies designed to offset the demand for all new vehicle trips generated by new residential development on Highway 1, Highway 92, and relevant local streets, during commuter peak periods and peak recreation periods; and policies for new residential development to mitigate for residential development’s significant adverse cumulative impacts on public access to the beaches of the Midcoast region of San Mateo County.

"The plan shall thoroughly evaluate the feasibility of developing an in-lieu fee traffic mitigation program, the expansion of public transit, including buses and shuttles, and development of a mandatory lot merger program."

Plan Development & Outreach


Jan 2021: Final Administrative Draft 

2020 Outreach Summary Report

mid 2016 - mid 2019 - Project Hiatus

See Roundabouts Page for progress on this preference over signals for Moss Beach.
2018 MCC study session: Connect the Coastside to date, & status of Midcoast Hwy 1 Safety & Mobility Study 2012 Action Plan.

March 2016 Draft Report:

Oct 2015  Alternative Development Forecast

Alternative Transportation Standards
Workshop #3 Presentation & Minutes
Comments: MCCGreen Foothills

July 2015 Course correction

Consultant contract extended to end of 2016, for additional analysis and public outreach. Revised development forecast to 2040 will supplement the prior Buildout Analysis and Traffic Projections Report and provide the basis for revised Transportation Alternatives and land use policies.

Apr 2015 Evaluation of Transportation Alternatives

Jan 2015 Transportation Alternatives Memo

Caltrans comments

Dec 2014Buildout Analysis & Traffic Projections Report

Aug 2014: Introductory presentation at MCC

May 2014: Scope of Work - Agreement with DKS Associates