SMC Planning Commission Feb 25 Agenda includes two fence permit applications which would allow a private property owner to continue to fence off a portion of the coastal end of 7th St in Montara for his private use, albeit a smaller area with less obtrusive fencing than before. See Montara Coastal Access page for more background on this issue. Online petition has 400+ signatures, including many personal comments.
PLN2014-00302 (Public Works Dept) would remove a large portion of the existing 6-ft+ wall across the end of 7th St, but would allow some of the encroaching "fence" to remain in the right-of-way, blocking public access and views, for the private benefit of the neighboring property owner. MCC comments - CCC staff comments - Planning Commission staff report
PLN2015-00020 (Westerfield) would allow a new private fence within the public right-of-way in order to add 300 sq.ft. of coastal bluff to the neighboring property owner's front yard. MCC comments - CCC staff comments - Planning Commission staff report - modified fence plan
Additional comments/images on both permits
UPDATE: On 2/25/15 the Planning Commission unanimously approved both permits with the following modifications: bollards instead of guardrail, and the remaining 10.5-ft of old fence encroachment replaced with 4-ft-high wire mesh to match the new fence. Wide community opposition to private encroachments in public rights-of-way accessing the coast fell on universally deaf ears among County staff and Planning Commissioners.
UPDATE 3/12/15: New encroaching fence PLN2015-00020 appealed to Board of Supervisors by Montara resident.
UPDATE: April 28 appeal hearing was continued at request of Supervisor Horsley to pursue a proposed compromise on placement of new encroaching fence. Comments from public: Lisa Ketcham - slides; Dave Olson