SMC Planning Commission will consider approval of development permits for the Big Wave North Parcel Alternative at a Public Hearing Wednesday, November 12, 2014, 5:00 PM, at El Granada Elementary School.
Agenda - Staff Report - EIR Addendum - [meeting video]
MCC regular meeting for November 12 is canceled. MCC will hold a special meeting Monday, November 10, at 5pm, to approve comments to the Planning Commission.
Major project revisions have been made since the County’s informational presentations and EIR Addendum last August. With no reduction in square footage, the number of buildings has been reduced from 9 to 4 larger ones. The Business Park is now proposed as 3 buildings, totaling 162,000 s/f, consisting of 108, ~1500 s/f business condominiums. The Wellness Center, previously 70,500 s/f in 4 buildings plus a 27,000 s/f industrial/storage building for commercial lease income, now incorporates all of that in one 97,500 s/f building, with the public commercial uses on the ground floor in front and the entrance to the Wellness Center hidden away in the back by an indirect route around behind the Business Center.
The footprint of each building would fill an entire block in Princeton.
The parking lot is longer than the distance all the way across Princeton from the beach to the Stanford/Airport intersection.

Coastside Design Review Committee (CDRC) special meeting Monday, November 3 will consider these major design revisions.
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Addendum was circulated for public comment during August. (MCC 8/27/14 comments)
Comment to the Planning Commission can be emailed to:
For questions, contact Project Planner Camille Leung:
11/4/14: Coastside Design Review Committee, at their November 3 special meeting, voted 2-1 to recommend denial of the Design Review Permit. This is not a denial of the project as a whole, but a recommendation to the Planning Commission.
11/6/14: Final EIR Addendum (33MB) includes comments received, response to comments, and the October project re-design.
11/10/14: MCC comments
11/12/14: Planning Commission was presented with yet another project design at tonight's hearing (not the 4-building version in the staff report), with buildings divided again into 8. They decided to allow time for Design Review, MCC, Coastal Commission staff, and the public to see clear detailed and firm plans and weigh in before they consider a decision. They will consider the new plan at their January 14 meeting, which is the next available opportunity due to booked December meetings and the holidays. Large turnout tonight with many speakers on both sides of the issue.
Planning Commision Nov 12 meeting video