MCC Regular Meeting: November 13, 2024

MCC Regular Meeting Agenda for Wednesday, November 13, 2024.

The meeting will be conducted both in person at Granada Community Services District, 504 Avenue Alhambra, 3rd Floor, El Granada, CA, and remotely as a telephone and video conference via Zoom (link). We encourage remote participation. Instructions for accessing the meeting and for making comments are available on the Agenda.

Agenda & supporting materials:
2. Council Follow-up Reports:

a. Transportation Update
b. Stormwater report
c. Update on unleaded aircraft fuel
4. Consent Agenda:  (approved)
a. Approve minutes from Oct. 23, 2024
b. Approve up to $100 for commemorative tokens for retiring councilmembers
c. Approve $100 cost for Google Drive storage - Terms
5. Regular Agenda:
5a. Transportation Demand Management - MCC letter (approved as amended)
5b. MCC Communications Policy - as amended (approved)
Future Agendas (Tentative): Stormwater; New EG Hotel; Big Wave

UPDATE: 11/13/24 meeting video - minutes

MCC SPECIAL Meeting: October 30, 2024

MCC SPECIAL Meeting Agenda for Wednesday October 30, 2024.

The meeting will be conducted in person at Granada Community Services District, 504 Avenue Alhambra, 3rd Floor, El Granada, CA. We will not have full audio/visual support for this meeting, but will attempt to allow remote participation as described on the Agenda.

Agenda supporting materials:

UPDATE: 10/3024 meeting video and minutes

Healthcare SURVEY and Community Meeting - Oct. 29th

The recording of this well-attended event is posted here: Video


Either attend in person OR take this online survey to register your interests and support for more healthcare on the Coast.

The more people take this survey, the greater our chances to expand healthcare options on the Coast.

Community Meeting: Come to the Oceano Hotel 6-8pm on Oct. 29th, provide your thoughts on required healthcare services on the Coast, and hear from local experts about proposed alternatives for services and locations. The flyer (shown below) contains directions to an in-person meeting. Otherwise, you can attend remotely…

The zoom link for this meeting is:

The flyer describing this initiative is here:

MCC Regular Meeting: October 23, 2024

MCC Regular Meeting Agenda for Wednesday, October 23, 2024.

The meeting will be conducted both in person at Granada Community Services District, 504 Avenue Alhambra, 3rd Floor, El Granada, CA, and remotely as a telephone and video conference via Zoom (link). We encourage remote participation. Instructions for accessing the meeting and for making comments are available on the Agenda.

Agenda & supporting materials:
2a. Recruiting MCC candidates
Consent Agenda:
4a. Minutes of Oct. 9, 2024 (approved)
4b. Letter re Midcoast Dark Skies ordinance - MCC letter (approved)
4c. Support PCTV increased bandwidth - FINAL Letter (approved)
Regular Agenda:
5a. Transportation Demand Management plan for the Coastside - Presentation
5b. Planning for Healthcare on the Coast - Presentation
Future Agendas (Tentative): Coastside Health Care; Stormwater; MCC communications policy

UPDATE: 10/23/24 meeting video & minutes